Gumeni brod

Asortiman čamaca "Adventure"

Poveznica na stranicu proizvođača:

Više od 15 godina, ADVENTURE LTD. proizvodi gumenjake na napuhavanje pomoću metode visoke frekvencije zavarivanja. Dugogodišnja tradicija i sveobuhvatni "know-how" pružili su im solidnu reputaciju kao stručnjaci u naprednim tehničkim rješenjima. 

Njihovi proizvodi i procesi često su prvi u području PVC zavarivanja. S dugogodišnjim iskustvom i kontinuiranim istraživanjem, ADVENTURE je razvio široku paletu gumenih čamaca za različite primjene. 

 Ekskluzivni dizajn, maksimalna pouzdanost, minimalna težina, lako i brzo sklapanje i rastavljanje glavna su obilježja svih ADVENTURE brodova. Svi elementi i materijali dizajnirani su tako da budu izuzetno snažni i ojačani, što je najbolje jamstvo dugog vijeka trajanja.

Kompletan katalog Adventure branda možete preuzeti klikom na - ovdje. 

Čamci s tvrdim dnom

The perfect luxury RIB tenders designed for the toughest duty, yet with simple, classically-clean lines


     Vesta – a series of Rigid Inflatable Boats designed and engineered to provide the full excitement and thrills of the open water. High speed, superb stability and outstanding manoeuvrability are hallmarks of all the boats in the Vesta series, from the V-250 through to the superbly appointed V-650 model.

     The strength of the fibreglass hulls, coupled to the security and safety provided by the inflatable tubes make this series the perfect choice for a range of applications, whether as a small, tough luxury tender to larger craft or, with the larger boats, for water-skiing, fishing and diving. And, of course, for the simple pleasure of exploring the open waters, and coastline accessible only by boat.
     Beautifully built, incredibly tough, and ready to take you on your own adventures, the Vesta series can be relied upon to provide many years of supreme boating pleasure for friends and family. High performance and utter dependability are built-in; excitement and the pleasure of freedom on the water come naturally.
     The Vesta series has been designed for carefree, thrilling boating; you need only let your imagination decide where you wish to be, and your Vesta will take you there.

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